Homosexual and Heterosexual Age Preferences of Men and Women


Age preferences of heterosexual and homosexual men and women are different. The physical attraction evolves with the age of men and women in different cultures.  Pictures if 15 males and 15 females are used to observe the attractiveness. Age Preferences of Homosexual and Heterosexual men and women seem interesting due to the independent development. Every Homosexual and Heterosexual man or woman contains several associations in the particular culture, which are to be reflected in the age preferences. The behavior of heterosexual men and women can be examined and compared with the behavior of homosexual men and women. The age of these participants is the main concern from all perspectives. These perspectives are Journalism, Media Studies & Communication, education, and cultural & ethnic studies

·         Thesis Statement

“The perception of the physical attractiveness is based on the age preference of Homosexual and Heterosexual men and women; cultural factors play a vital role in shaping these age preferences”

Social Science: Journalism, Media Studies & Communication

Analyzing the age preference regarding the Homosexual and Heterosexual men and women with the perspective of the media campaign is quite interesting. For Instance, the media usually report adults or teen relationships. A man of independent culture and age loves to contain the relationship with 15-25 female. It is quite visible on different media channels, movies, music and seasons. Heterosexual female, independent of cultural and age likes a man 30-45.  It is due to physical attraction. In the media, it has been observed that teens or young adults normally depict physical attractiveness, and this age factor or preference is prominent.

The communication between males and females in society is a big cause of physical attractiveness. For Instance, men in different cultures, like to communicate with females, containing the age from 15 to 25, due to physical attractiveness.  It is a typical heterosexual age preference between males and females (Silverthorne & Quinsey, 2000, p. 68).

The article also illustrates the particular judgment of heterosexual women. Women seem loyal to the particular physical attraction. The physical attractiveness is not variable as compared to heterosexual men.

Another perspective regarding media and communication is the visibility of the evolutionary forces.  Heterosexual and homosexual men and women evolve regarding age. This evolution reflects the physical attraction in both media and society.  The social status of men is an important factor that plays a role in shaping the physical attractiveness. Regarding communication, heterosexual man with high social status enhances the communication with heterosexual women. It depicts the social factor which is a part of evolution (Silverthorne & Quinsey, 2000, p. 68).

It creates the discrepancy between the normal body shape and muscular one. It can be said the media played the role to enhance the attraction between the same genders (Schwartz & Andsager, 2011, p. 79). The interesting fact is the similarity between homosexual and heterosexual males regarding age preferences. For Instance, both depict the same level of attraction, but for different partners (Silverthorne & Quinsey, 2000, p. 69).

·         The difference from other Perspectives

Journalism, Media Studies & Communication is quite different from another disciple such as applied sciences and diversity component. Journalism, Media Studies & Communication illustrate the role of media and presents multiple perspectives on homosexuality and heterosexuality ager preferences in different societies. They can support people, and on the other hand, highlight something against the behavior. Applied Science, on the other hand, navigates some technical and logical aspects of homosexuality and heterosexuality age preferences that can create awareness among people. Journalism, Media Studies & Communication is different from diversity component because it does not highlight cultural values or implications when highlighting these age preferences, as far as the physical attraction is a concern.

Applied Science: Education

Homosexuality and heterosexuality sexuality, age preference has emerged as a big issue in different educational institutions due to variation in sexual orientations. Heterosexual female perceptions are triggered by education. For Instance, if a female is in a physical relationship with a man, she may know the reproductive capability to avoid unplanned pregnancy. The relationship can be sustained by knowing the reproduction patterns.  Similarly, heterosexual men depend on visual cues and reproduction.  Education can help him to increase his reproduction capability (Silverthorne & Quinsey, 2000, p. 68).

According to different research studies, it has been obtained that students who are studying at the upper level in universities or colleges contain homosexual attitudes. Years of the education program or tenure of the degree in the university matters and it creates an impact on the sexual orientation. Conversely, at the lower level, students, both females and males, don’t even think about homosexuality. Educational institutes have perceived this behavior unethical, as despite containing heterosexual characteristics, students are interested in homosexuality. Thus, in an educational institution, the faculty should promote social learning instead of just focusing on technical aspects of education. (Bellhouse-King, Bacon, Standing, & Stout, 2008, p. 75). The difference of age preference is quite visible. For Instance, it has been revealed that homosexual man likes adult instead of teenagers. On the other hand, heterosexual people like teenagers. This age difference and preferences have been judged through selection nude pictures of homosexuals and heterosexual men and women along with the impact of androgen (Silverthorne & Quinsey, 2000, p. 70).

As far as the educational perspective is concerned, a further factor can also be navigated. For Instance, there is a perception that homosexuality and transgender identities are interrelated. By navigating the aged university pictures of homosexual men and women, it has been revealed that homosexual men are identical. These people contain more viability regarding physical attraction. The sexual orientation of students may be due to the transition. Years of programs and mobility change the sexual orientation of students. Heterosexual people become homosexual with time. Thus, social values must be highlighted by educational institutes to guide students to not change their sexual identities (Quora, 2017, para. 8).

·         The difference from other Perspectives

Education is the different perspective from diversity component. To understand or elaborate the homosexuality and heterosexuality age preferences, it only focuses on the impact of education and the role of institutions instead of navigating cultural differences and different sexual orientations.  It is also different from social sciences because of social values, psychology, and other historical values.

Diversity Component: Cultural & Ethnic Studies

The diversity component can help to elaborate the age preferences of homosexual and heterosexual men and women. Interestingly, in different cultures or societies, homosexual men and similar to heterosexual women regarding age preferences or sex partner. For Instance, the research tells that the lack of utero androgens or hormonal failure can cause particular age preferences or sex partners. In an ethnic society, counter behavior can be observed, and it may streamline age preferences (Silverthorne & Quinsey, 2000, p. 69).

According to cultural and ethnic studies, homosexuality is an unnatural thing. Having sex with a biological purpose is ethical and according to some cultural values.  For Instance, people cannot give birth to a child. It makes sexual orientation controversial and unnatural. It is against ethics.  Most of the social pathologies are emerging in society due to homosexuality.  It is also one of the most prominent reasons that a make homosexuality an unethical behavior (Zorn, 2007, para. 4).

Despite containing several cultural values, the increased variance has not been observed in homosexual and heterosexual females. In a particular culture, it seems tough to investigate or observe two types of responses. The behavior or physical attraction may remain the same (Silverthorne & Quinsey, 2000, p. 70). In western culture, this behavior has been perceived as extramarital. People depict this behavior for pleasure. However, to protect the cultural and ethical values, the behavior should be regulated. On the other hand, western culture also contains some rights for gays and lesbians. Thus, in this particular culture, the win-win situation can be created. However, on the other hand, conservative society or culture, such as Islam supports heterosexual behavior, which is legalized in Islamic law. The homosexuality is violently opposed, and sometimes, it may lead towards the death penalties. Thus, it is to mention that sexual orientations may be changed in diverse cultures.

·         The difference from other Perspectives

Diversity components, especially cultural and ethnic studies, is unique as compared to the disciplines.  For example, it streamlines the homosexuality and heterosexuality ager and partner preferences in the content of a particulate culture. In the elaboration, the study examines homosexuality in the context of Western and Islamic culture along with an effective comparison. Instead of illustrating insights regarding historical background and education, it articulates the values or norms which are generally accepted in a particular culture.


Navigating homosexuality and heterosexuality with different perspectives was a good experience for me. Interestingly, I contained a different self-perception about homosexuality and heterosexuality. Now, it has been changed after navigating several articles and web publishing. This research study gave me a chance to understand homosexuality and heterosexuality age preference and the association with the physical attraction along with factors, which create the impact. Understanding this topic with several perspectives has helped me to idealize a new perception. For Instance, before conducting the research, I thought age preference among heterosexuals is not variable. Now, after conducting the research, the age preferences and physical attraction are different between heterosexual and homosexual people.

Homosexual or heterosexual men and women contain physical relationships, based on their preferences and perceptions in different cultures and societies.

To conduct effective research, I know some required skills.  I learned how to select and navigate articles from different libraries. The priority was to learn how to search articles or sources from different data sources. Critical thinking, written communication, and other cognitive skills were required to make this research happen. I learned and adapted these skills effectively. These skills helped me to complete my research before time. From data collection to conclude, these skills were quite helpful. In this research process, it was important for me to identify key skills to search and read articles to illustrate points and combine them with my perspective. It was quite workable indeed.

Many learning aspects are visible in this research process, and these can help me to improve in future projects. Researching with limited sources and time was a big challenge for me. However, in the future, I can learn more skills and utilize my time effectively to derive more meaningful insights. I can do several things differently in future research. According to my knowledge, I will study different perspectives deeply and choose them for the research.  The future research will be based on cognitive skills that can help me to obtain some key and relevant ideas for an effective research paper.


In the end, it is to conclude that homosexuality and heterosexuality regarding age preferences can be explained or understood through various perspectives. Media, education, and culture are three perspectives, which have been derived from the social sciences, applied science, and diversity components. These are three disciplines, which help to elaborate homosexuality and heterosexuality. Media perspective or discipline is different due to its role in society. Education is impactful, and it can shape sexual orientation. The diversity component is a discipline that can depict the acceptance or rejection of homosexuality and heterosexuality. The whole research is aligned with the thesis statement, and appropriate conclusions can be drawn. It was a wonderful experience for me to explore different ideas about the topic. With more perspectives and time, it is easy to go deep into study to obtain something new that is undone yet by other researchers.


Bellhouse-King, M. W., Bacon, B. A., Standing, L. G., & Stout, D. (2008). Factors Modulating Students’ Attitudes Towards Homosexuality At A Small University Located in the Eastern Townships. Journal of Eastern Townships Studies, 32 (33), 73-88,199,201.

Lewis, G. B. (2009). Does Believing Homosexuality Is Innate Increase Support for Gay Rights? Policy Studies Journal, 37 (4), 669-693.

Maudet, M. (2017). Religion and Sexuality in France from the 1970s to the 2000s. Changes in Practices and Attachment to the Heterosexual Family. Population, 72 (4), 671-696.

Quora. (2017, May 8). Many Assume That Homosexuality and Transgender Identity Are Related, But That May Not Be the Case. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2017/05/08/many-assume-that-homosexuality-and-transgenderism-are-related-but-that-may-not-be-the-case/#6764f06350b8

Scholars.Org. (2018, May 24). How The Media Has Helped Change Public Views About Lesbian and Gay People. Retrieved from https://scholars.org/brief/how-media-has-helped-change-public-views-about-lesbian-and-gay-people

Schwartz, J., & Andsager, J. L. (2011). Four Decades of Images in Gay Male-Targeted Magazines. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 88 (1), 76-98.

Silverthorne, Z. A., & Quinsey, V. L. (2000). Sexual partner age preferences of homosexual and heterosexual men and women. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 29 (1), 67-76.

Zorn, E. (2007, March 16). Seven reasons why homosexuality is immoral, and seven answers. Retrieved from http://blogs.chicagotribune.com/news_columnists_ezorn/2007/03/seven_reasons_w.html

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