Benefits of Squats

Our body has certain needs when it comes to our health. It is just as important to eat healthily; it is also equally important to move actively. It means exercise and exercising quite often. Our muscles need the stressors that they were made to bear. The best exercise for strengthening our legs has got to be squats. And not only legs, but it is also beneficial for the whole human body in some ways.

Squats are one healthy way of building strong muscles as well as widening them. If done correctly, they help in releasing human growth hormones and testosterone. Even squats without heavy weights can have such impressive effects as regulating glucose in the body and preventing diseases like diabetes and obesity. When included in daily workout routines, squats can also be helpful in burning fats. The human body’s circulatory system depends heavily on our movement. The best way to keep it functioning properly is squatting. As the blood flow increases, the human body can get rid of the cellulite. Squats are the best exercise to strengthen our core. They help in improving our posture and increase flexibility (Leonard).

Squatting is being in a seated position, only without a chair. It sounds simple. With it, we can perform one effective exercise to strengthen our lower body without having to challenge our joints to be in an unnatural position. Sitting in a chair is something that we do all the time, but still, certain factors must be kept in mind to avoid injuries. The hips must be kept back as sitting on a chair, and the chest must be kept high. The face should be kept forward to avoid the spine from flexing. The knees are supposed to be outward, and heels must touch the ground. Keeping the core tight is important as well.

It is concluded that some people might say that squats weaken your knees, it is not fully correct. Avoiding them when you are already injured would be wiser, but with good technique and healthy knees, they will help you live a healthy and independent life for a longer time.


Leonard, J. (2015, December 18). 18 Impressive Reasons You Should Start Doing Squats. Retrieved from

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