Selling Crude oil in Morocco

Morocco Morocco is located in North Africa. The capital city of the country is Rabat. Algeria and Mauritania border the state. The country’s climate is quite dry with extreme weather conditions. The population of the country is 35,740,000. According to 2017...

Understanding Work and Organization

The ideas of the classical theorists, particularly those of bureaucracy and scientific management, are generally considered as rather old-fashioned and out of date, and of little relevance to work and organisation today. Is this really the case? Consider the above...

Market Expansion-Gucci in PERU

Option: Market Expansion Country: PERU In this option of the Portfolio, imagine yourself as an international business consultant for a major foreign company that is not already present on the American market. This company has chosen you as a consultant to help them...

AtCura Solutions and Disruptive Healthcare Technology

Abstract Finding and financing long-term care services is a rising concern for older adults, persons with disabilities, and their families.  It is also a major challenge faced by state and federal governments. In the marketplace of today, a tool that allows for...

Innovation & Management: Walmart

Abstract Walmart, being one of the biggest retail chains of the world, cannot afford inefficiency in its stores. Employees are wasting time checking inventory levels and misplaced products on shelves. It increases the cost and time of the company. The firm is also...