Mandated Reporter Statute

Review your state’s mandated reporter statute. Provide details about this in your post. If faced with a mandated reporter issue, what are the steps in reporting the issue? Create a mandated reporter scenario and post it.

Be sure to include a reference to your state’s website related to mandated reporting and 1 other reference.

I live in Texas so the assignment has to correspond with the state of Texas.


The Mandatory Reporting Law states that a person, because of his or her profession, is under a legal obligation to report child abuse or neglect to the authorities. In some states of the United States, this law extends beyond professions as it makes it mandatory for all individuals to report child abuse or neglect if they witness any or come to learn about it indirectly. In Texas, section 261.101, of the Texas Family Code, mandates that anyone, who witnesses or suspects child abuse or neglect, must report it to the authorities (Statutes). This is why the law is unique from most states, of U.S., as in some manners it is more comprehensive and stricter (Baylor). There are four types, of child abuse, identified by the World Health Organization, which include 1) Physical, 2) Sexual, 3) Emotional and 4) Psychological (includes neglect) (Tracy).


If I see a person, father-mother-uncle-relative-stranger, beating a child, I will report it to the authorities, as it is classified as physical abuse. The beating does not have to be severe to be reported. If a person has slapped a child, for any reason that must be reported to the authorities so that authorities could investigate the matter. It could be an isolated incident, or it could be one of many episodes of child abuse. Therefore, it is very important to report such incident so that child could have a better childhood. I will report the incident to local Child Protective Services, which is the concerned authority when it comes to child abuse or neglect. I will also follow up the caseto the point where I am satisfied that a child is in a better environment or position than previous. If a child is being abused or neglected by his/her parents, then Child Protective Services usually counsel and caution them, before taking any strong measure, which include sending a child to a foster care system.

Work Cited

Baylor. “Texas Mandatory Reporting Law.”Baylor. Baylor, 1 December 2017. Web. 19 February 2018.

Statutes.” Family Code.”Texas State. Texas State, 31 December 2017. Web. 19 February 2018.

Tracy, Natasha. “Types Of Child Abuse.”Healthy Place. Healthy Place, 1 December 2017. Web. 19 February 2018.

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