Why Is Biology Important for The Study of Psychology?


Psychology is the scientific study of the human behavior in the context of the human mind and its functions affecting these behaviors. The mental characteristic of an individual is studied in this field. Biology is important for Psychologists because it aids them in the understanding of the mental processes behind the different behavior of individuals. The relationship between psychology and Biology is necessary. It can be understood by the fact that for understanding the behavior of an animal species, the kind of body it possesses is very important, as the behavior depends on it. The possession of highly complex and specialized body is of no use to an organism if it does not have the capable nervous system to control it as well. Thus, the kind of behavior of a species is dependent on the capability of the species nervous system. The kind of nervous system also helps in understanding the level, extent, and nature of learning which a species possess. The more a nervous system of an organism becomes complex and advanced; the behavior of the organism becomes increasingly dependent on the learning and the environmental influence on the organism. It means that even though the learning behavior is also influenced by the innate and genetically transferred factors, but with the increasing complexity of the nervous system, the behavior becomes majorly dependent on the learning experience of the organism from the environment.

Importance of Understanding of Biology for Psychologists

The field of psychology is an important field for catering with the increasing psychic disorders. It helps in learning about the treatments of these diseases. The psychological studies alone are not enough in understanding the critical aspects of psychology and its biological roots. The biological roots of the disorders which affect the human mind are crucial for being understood. The combined study of psychology and neuroscience- a field of biology, has been linked together from the age of ancient Egypt when the high priests, Imhotep became one of the first humans to study the brain. Since then, the scientific study of human behavior and the mental disorders go hand in hand. Several breakthroughs have been established since that time in the field of psychology and biology in understanding the human mind and its behavioral aspects. It became clear from the start that the comprehensive understanding of the mind is not complete without having an adequate understanding of the biology behind it. Without understanding the mental causes behind the disorders like depression, anxiety, etc., it can be said that the field of psychology might have been still standing at a phase where it would be developing the mediocre notions of measuring the intelligence from the size of the skull.

Need for Study of Nervous System

Another reason advocating the need for an understanding of biology for psychologists is that it better enables them to understand the causes and treatments of the nervous disorders. The nervous disorders like; Alzheimer’s, Depression, Sleep Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, Schizophrenia, and childhood disorders need the psychologist to have an understanding of the nervous system of the humans (Ali, 2015).

The nervous system of the body consists of Brain and Spinal Cord. It allows the body to coordinate the physical as well as the physiological functions more effectively and automatically. The nervous system is divided into three categories of systems. These are; the central nervous system which includes the brain and the spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system; this includes the network of neural fibers and the automatic nervous system; this includes the glands and nerve cells that control the body state of different mood and emotions.

The brain is one of the most complex objects in the universe. There are about more than 100 billion of neurons, which releases hundreds of neurotransmitters in microseconds for the lifetime of an individual. After stating this complexity, one needs to understand that people spend their whole productive careers in studying of a single receptor. Researchers have found that the psychologists need to have the knowledge about the working of the nervous system to better evaluate the various emotions and behaviors that an organism exhibit. Without the understanding of biology, one cannot adequately explain and describe the cognitions and behaviors (Cooper, 2015).

Another reason for studying biology is that it can be used in better predicting of the variability between the subjects. The biological parameters can aid in creating the models of cognition and behavior, helping improve the prediction and analysis process. The biological information also aids in the using of designing of improved treatment plans which are more focused and targeted. The clinical psychology is known for regularly making use of the biological knowledge; this knowledge helps them understand the difference between the somatic and neurological disorder. One example of this can be shown by this; a patient with cognitive dysfunction suffers chronic pain and is prescribed for addictive opiates which often become the cause of depression. Without knowing biology, one cannot distinguish if the cognitive dysfunction of the patient is due to pain, depression or the addictive opiates. Psychologists need to have enough knowledge of the nervous system and the biology behind it to distinguish these.

Furthermore, the solutions for the cognitive and behavioral disorders are also dependent on the two disciplines. As the questions about the psychological phenomenon have become increasingly complicated, the dependency on the biology and the understanding of the nervous system has become imperative. The normal and abnormal behavior is dependent on the underlying biological processes, developing at the level of neurons, brain circuitry and neurotransmitters (Mishra, 2016). The behavioral neuroscientists and the academic psychologists, both are required to study the similar topics of sensation and perception, control of movements, sleep, motivated behaviors, biological rhythms, learning behavior, emotions, and biological rhythms. The better understanding of the biology and the nervous system has helped the psychologists to contribute to the fields in areas of language, decision making, consciousness, reasoning and behavioral sciences. The psychologists, with a better understanding of the biology and nervous system of the humans, have contributed to the finding of the cures for mental disorders (Freberg, 2015).

It is revealed that whether it is the study of Biopsychology or the field of psychology, the psychologists are required to understand the functions of the brain. The connection between the body and the mind and how it reacts to certain behaviors and illnesses in a way that it does is crucial for understanding the causes of the mental disorders. The understanding of the cognitions and behaviors without an understanding of the biological aspects of the body and brain cannot be explained and understood, let alone be cured (Kalat, 2015). It should alone serve as enough evidence to consider biology studying as important for the psychologists. The psychological factors play an important and vital role in finding out whether the developed illness is psychological and how would it get cured. However, the genetic, behavioral, and mental factor behind these illnesses and mental disorders is crucial and imperative to be understood (Pastorino & Doyle-Portillo, 2015).


Concluding this, we know that psychology is all about the behavioral sciences. It depends on the understanding of the mental illnesses. For the understanding of the behaviors, and mental illnesses, there is a psychologist need to understand the working of the brain and central nervous system. It is the way through which a psychologist can better predict the treatment plan and combat the mental disorders more effectively. A psychologist with a better understanding of the causes and development of human behaviors can devise a better treatment plan to combat it. It can thus be said that for the better understanding of the cognitions, behaviors, and mental disorders, biology should be studied by psychologists.


Ali, N. (2015). Understanding Alzheimer’s: An Introduction for Patients and Caregivers. Rowman & Littlefield.

Cooper, C. (2015). Individual Differences and Personality. Routledge.

Freberg, L. (2015). Discovering Behavioral Neuroscience: An Introduction to Biological Psychology. Cengage Learning.

Kalat, J. W. (2015). Biological Psychology. Cengage Learning.

Mishra, B. K. (2016). Psychology The Study Of Human Behaviour. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd.

Pastorino, E. E., & Doyle-Portillo, S. M. (2015). What is Psychology? Foundations, Applications, and Integration. Cengage Learning.

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