Ryanair: The Low-Fares Airline-future directions? – Case Study


Every organization intends to gain the competitive advantage in the presence of immense competition.  The growth of the company is triggered by the competitive advantage, and the company management always focuses on competitive strategies to justify the purpose. Of course, there is a need for effective leadership, which can direct the way to gain and sustain the competitive edge. An effective leader in the company enables some workable growth strategies, which lead towards the long-term business sustainability. Ryanair, a prominent airline, is containing the competitive position in the competitive industry due to its low-cost operations. In result, the management can depict low price for different flights (Badicu & State, 2016).

Assess the effectiveness of your company’s leadership

The effectiveness of the leadership of this company is visible in the competitive airline industry. Ryanair airline management has depicted the transformational leadership in the company, as it changed the process with the passage of the time, according to the needs of both, operations and customers. For Instance, regarding the operational approach of the company, the transformational leadership seems effective, as the management has adopted the low cost/fare model. Obviously, this adaptation was possible due to some technological changes in the operational process and execution of the model, which is pertinent to the European arena.  The effective leadership keeps an eye on the changing conditions of the business and reshapes the strategies or reconfigures the process to keep the prices low. It seems a committed transformational process, which can be observed in many operational processes. Based on the demand of customers, the leadership depicted the rapid changes. The example of some rapid changes due to effective leadership is priority boarding and web-based check-in. The transformational leadership has focused on the low cost and speed enhancement. Relative to the internal business environment, the leadership is committed to reducing the staff cost. Retaining the limited number of staff and retaining the best talent was a remarkable approach to this leadership, which made this effective. The leadership intended to make the business dynamic, and continuous tailoring the roaster increased the productivity of crew members and all internal key stakeholders. Thus, the leadership is integrated with the change, and it looks effective due to the business sustainability and some visible financial gains (Balfour & Leandro, 2011).

Discuss the basis of your company’s competitive advantage and the potential challenges to its strategy.

The basis of the company’s competitive advantage is the low-cost business operations. Customers in the competitive market are making their preferences due to low prices. The management of the company has targeted customer’s income level and come up with prices at, which are affordable. Along with low fares for customers, the management has focused on high-quality passenger services. Thus, low prices and high-quality passenger services are some basic factors regarding the competitive advantage. For instance, to save the cost of luggage checked in, the web-based model has been introduced by the management, which reduced the cost of employees. Also, deriving insights from the low-cost operation of the company, the management has focused on airports, which are less congested. Airport charges are less than other competitors in the market, and it also seems a prominent factor regarding the competitive edge (Ivanovic, Vucenovic, & Baresa, 2014).

However, coming to some strategic challenges, rules, and regulations, imposed by the governments, is a big challenge for the company. As mentioned, the company is determined to contain the low-cost operations, and government charges on airports are some barriers. Accordingly, the management denounced these charges in the form of air passenger duties. Along with this potential challenge, Ryanair struggled in finding an investor, with required shared issues. For retaining the quality and low cost of passengers, the company is lacking investments. Lack of investment in the airline is a big threat to this airline. Furthermore, the spikes in the jet fuel cost are a big challenge. It creates problems for the company management when stabilizing the prices. The reporting currency is a euro, and the company is adversely affected by the break up to the euro. The continued recession of economy is also a big potential challenge, as it has a direct impact on the income level of people. Moreover, the company needs a suitable takeoff and landing slots, and due to intense competition, it seems tough for the company to attain this. If the airports increase the charges for these slots, the Ryanair airline will have to change its prices. All these factors a are going beyond the vision of the company, and of course, some strategic considerations are needed to exist strongly in this market (Thomas, 2015).

What growth strategies might your company pursue?

There are some pertinent growth strategies for this company, which can help to sustain the business in the modest airline market. The first growth strategy of the company is expanding through investment in new aircraft and routes. Overcapacity is a big threat, and the solution is to contain some investments to increase its capacity. The demand for low priced flights is increasing in the market, and growth is triggered by the shift in the capacity. The most important thing is to adopt a growth strategy, which is consistent with the system of Ryanair airline. Accordingly, the market penetration is a key growth strategy for this company to accelerate the growth. In the existing market, the company can invest to improve the passenger services, introduce some new customer segments, and differentiate the process in the best interest of the market share. Also, it is necessary for the management of the company to integrate advertisement and promotions with the growth. All new offers, introduced by the company, should be depicted on both traditional and modern media channels to make customers assertive in making a buying decision. It is a fact that the growth of the company is also linked to the sales and revenues.  Instead of working on the controversial advertisements and promotions, the company should portray the efficient flight operations, which are quite different from other competitors. In the existing market, it seems a pertinent growth strategy. The best recommendation of this airline is to keep and maintain changes with the passage of the time. The best thing that this company can do is effective exploitation of its current reso8des to come up with the best services for customers (Laura, 2012).


In the end, it is to conclude that the Ryanair airline has gained an exceptional growth due to its competitive operational strategies. In the modern and dynamic business era, the company management depicted a remarkable business intelligence, which increased its growth and profitability. Interestingly, the role of leadership in the company is effective, as it is committed towards its direction. In the airline industry, the preference of the company should be to come up with low prices to target different customer segments. In this particular case, Ryanair management adopted the budget model to attain its goals and objectives despite having some big challenges. The growth is integrated with the expansion process, and with the passage of the time, it depends on the company management that how it derives the needs of both, operations and customers to sustain its competitive advantage for a long run.


Badicu, G. D., & State, V. (2016). Low-Cost Aerial Transport in Europe. Valahian Journal of Economic Studies, 7(2), 1-10.

Balfour, J., & Leandro, S. (2011). State Aid in the Airline Sector: a Change in Focus. European State Aid Law Quarterly , 10(2), 225-236.

Ivanovic, S., Vucenovic, D., & Baresa, S. (2014). Impact of Low-Cost Air Travel On Tourism Economy In Zadar County. Journal of Economics, 5(1), 113-120.

Laura, D. (2012). The Evolution of the Low-Cost Airlines Between 2000 and 2011. Comparative Analysis Across American and European Low-Cost Operators. Universitatii Bucuresti. Analele. Seria Stiinte Economice si Administrative, 6, 115-128.

Thomas, M. (2015). Ryanair: success before love. Strategic Direction, 31(8), 1-3.

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