Mindfulness can help you recognize the physical sensations that your body is experiencing and can serve as a signal before you become overwhelmed by an emotion.
This point was brought up in a study in which a couple were facing problems in their relationship due to the husband’s temper and anger issues. I believe that mindfulness is a great way to be aware of your emotions and to avoid getting caught up in the heat of the moment. A lot of times, arguments spiral out of control because of these rushes of emotions, and mindfulness can calm you down before they occur.
Nanda, J. (2013). Mindful relationships. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 28(1-2), 122
The mindfulness of one family member has a direct effect on other members as they become more responsive, attentive, and open.
I think that once one spouse or family member is in a clear and calm headspace, their interactions will be directly affected. The study showed the wife of the ill-tempered husband could instantly notice changes in their interactions once he began meditating. Things that may seem little, such as listening or thinking more before you respond, can actually make a large impact on interpersonal communication.
Nanda, J. (2013). Mindful relationships. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 28(1-2), 124.
In the workplace, in order to maintain respect between co-workers, it is important to mindfully handle conflict using “adult-adult communication”.
It can be easy to talk down to someone when you think you know best or to put yourself on a different level than them. Especially in the workplace, it is important to approach conflict on a level playing field and be mindful of their perspective and ideas. Adult-adult communication can be described as a mature way of interacting. Showing respect by mindfully being aware of who you are speaking to is very beneficial in the workplace.
Byrne, G. (2014). Mindful Co-working – Be Confident, Happy and Productive in Your Working Relationships. Nursing Standard, 29(6), 29.
It takes about 6 seconds for the cortex and limbic system to become in sync with one another which means there is time for the limbic system to “emotionally hi-jack” your brain.
It is important to be aware of when your cortex, which deals with the higher functions of your brain such as thinking and reflecting, is being taken over by the limbic system. Without your ability to rationalize and think in a consequential manner, you can let your emotions take over, which has a direct effect on your relationships. When it comes to your co-workers, you should
always take a second to breathe and reflect before engaging in conflict.
Byrne, G. (2014). Mindful Co-working – Be Confident, Happy and Productive in Your Working Relationships . Nursing Standard, 36(6)
“When a person has high levels of awareness and is nonaccepting of their experience, they are more reactive to unpleasant experiences and interactions with their partners, resulting in lower couple’s satisfaction.”
I think this shows the different facets of mindfulness. You may be very aware and conscious of your situation and experiences, but if you lack understanding, you will face negative interactions with your partner. I think acceptance is very important because it means that you are coming to terms with your current situation. Without this acceptance, you live in a false reality which makes it difficult to move forward with your partner.
Krafft, J., Haeger, J., & Levin, M. E. (2017). The interaction of mindful awareness and acceptance in couples satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 113, 20.
“Parental mindfulness training leads to more positive child behaviors, which can then be generalized to other social relationships.”
Connecting with a child can be very difficult if you don’t apply the right amount of focus, attention, care, and understanding. This study examined children with autism and numerous conduct disorders. Parents reported more compliance from their children after they both underwent mindful training. I think that when a parent and child can connect mentally, everything else falls into place.
Sawyer Cohen, J. (2010). Mindful Parenting: A Call for Research. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 19(2), 31.
“Family is understood as an organized whole comprised of interdependent subsystems; each element or subsystem within the family both affects and is affected by other elements”
I think the beauty of mindfulness in relationships is the lasting and large effects it has. You may be looking to heal a certain relationship in your life, but you actually get a lot more in return. The positive energy and awareness you gain can “spill-over” into other family members and areas in your life. It is important to understand the interconnectedness of your relationships.
Sawyer Cohen, J. (2010). Mindful Parenting: A Call for Research. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 19(2), 31.
When fathers are present-centered and mindful in their relationship with their child, the levels of involvement and support increases.
This study involved fathers and their children with disabilities and the quality of their relationship and parenting skills. It can be difficult to connect with a child with a certain disability and disorder, and I think it is amazing how the mind can work through those physical obstacles. It can be especially challenging sometimes for fathers to find this connection versus the mother-child relationship. I’m glad to know that parenting skills can be fostered through exercising the brain.
Macdonald, E. E., & Hastings, R. P. (2008). Mindful Parenting and Care Involvement of Fathers of Children with Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 19(2), 238.
Fathers who practice mindfulness use less avoidance with their child who experience an intellectual disability.
I think fathers may feel out of place or uncomfortable in situations that they don’t completely understand. They may leave the guidance and counseling of their child to their mother, teachers, and experts. They may not even realize that they are avoiding the situation and therefore they are unsure of how to communicate and parent their child. It can be as easy as centering yourself that can give you clarity and knowledge.
Macdonald, E. E., & Hastings, R. P. (2008). Mindful Parenting and Care Involvement of Fathers of Children with Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 19(2), 245.
FACT 10:
When teacher’s practice mindfulness, they create a buffer against classroom stressors and student misconduct, which leads to more effective teaching and interaction.
It can be easy to let the actions and bad behavior of students affect you emotionally and cause you to lose focus. Teachers face the challenging job of instructing a group of students with all different personalities and behaviors. Staying calm and finding your center can benefit you greatly because you can better communicate with the students rather than allowing your emotions to take over. This calm demeanor can have an overall positive effect in the classroom.
Zakrzewski . (2013, October 2). Can Mindfulness Make Us Better Teachers? Retrieved September 29, 2017, from https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/can_mindfulness_make_us_better_teachers.