Genetic Engineering


Genetic engineering is the manipulation of genes of an organism that uses biotechnology. It is the transfer of genes from one organism to another or the combination of two organism’s genes to come up with new or improved species. New DNA is acquired by changing the genetic makeup of the cells. The new species that are acquired through this process of genetic engineering is said to be genetically modified (GM) and is called a genetically modified organism (GMO).  Genetic engineering is now involved in various fields such as medicine, research, agriculture, and industrial biotechnology. GMOs can be used in the research field by the gain of function, loss of function and expression and tracking experiments to study the gene expression and function. Genetic engineering can be proven to be highly beneficial as by producing certain vaccines, hormones, and drugs; it can be used to cure various diseases by performing gene therapy (Lockie 2006). Certain techniques of genetic engineering can be used to produce enzymes for industrial applications such as cheeses, laundry detergents and much more. Genetically modified crops are obtained through this process, which has proven to be very beneficial for the farm industry, but it has also given birth to certain controversies regarding this technology. Scientists are concerned about the health risks that come along with these modified crops. However, certain research has been conducted which concludes with the point that the food obtains through these crops are no more different and dangerous than the conventional crops (Wheeler 2009).

Agricultural Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering has brought innovations to the agricultural industry. Certain benefits include agronomic and many health factors. It has promised to bring many environmental benefits in the future and will hopefully cure many diseases. But scientists are also concerned about the problems it might bring that include trade, environment, and health, ethical and legal issues. Although this debate is not likely to end very soon certain factors need to be considered during this process to avoid such potential risks as they have the highest influence on the technology that is being adopted by the farmers (Wheeler 2009).

Factors that Influence the Adoption of Genetic Engineering

The factors that influence this adoption of genetic engineering by farmers, most importantly, include the agricultural professionals’ beliefs and their teachings regarding the subject. Farmers’ social networks, their knowledge regarding potential profitability; problems of risk and uncertainty; trialability also somewhat influence their adoptions of innovative technology. Along with age, education, income, and farm size; the information available, its source and its cost of acquisition are also some key factors. Studies have proven that agricultural scientists and researchers are some sources that farmers consider highly reliable. These scientists are mostly found to keep a very positive attitude towards genetics as opposed to consumers. They believe these innovative techniques will lead to high sustainability in the agricultural department (Wheeler 2009).

Factors that Influence the Professionals’ Attitudes

One major question that arises in one’s mind is that how the agricultural professionals are so convinced about the fact that genetic engineering is bringing no such harm to human health and the environment as opposed to the consumers who still think it is dangerous to incorporate in such sensitive thing as food. What are the influential factors? Age is considered one of the major factors when analyzing the consumers’ attitude towards modified foods. As people grow old, their dislike for genetically modified crops increases as they do not want to take any risk regarding their health, so they start preferring healthy and original food. Young people are attracted to new and innovative ideas, also where farmers are concerned.  Even the negative response towards genetic engineering has been observed in the professionals who belong to a farm background as they want to continue using their traditional techniques.  Women are also observed to own a hesitant attitude when they are required to try new or innovative things. Socioeconomic factors like education and income are found to have a positive and negative attitude on consumers’ behavior towards genetic engineering respectively. Consumers that are blessed with technical education analyze certain subjects more sensibly and thus are open to innovations. At the same time, income might have a negative influence on one’s attitude because people do not like to take risks and try new techniques when their salary is dependent on it. Professionals with high status might be more open to such risks or in other terms, genetic engineering (Wheeler 2009).

Benefits Vs. Risks of Genetic Engineering

Various research has proven that the benefits that genetic engineering brings to the world of agriculture are far more than the risks it contains. Critics also believe that genetic engineering has the capability of evolving the whole agricultural industry, thus; they are in favor of this new and innovative biotechnology. Everyone in three agricultural professionals has been observed to believe the same thing, as has been proven by a study, which is a very prominent figure. The factors that influenced the negative beliefs were same as mentioned above, mostly socioeconomic and occupational things like age, education, cultural background, salary, the size of the farm and such other things. The thing that must be kept in mind while dealing with such technologies is that science is not always perfect. With major benefits, also come some side effects. Although, it has still not been proven what is true, different studies have proven that if utilized correctly, genetic engineering has a great future in the agricultural department (Wheeler 2009).

Labeling of Genetically Modified Food

Genetic Engineering has been widely used to manufacture the consumers’ goods such as detergents and medicines for the past many years. In New Zealand and Australia, a report was issued in 2000 by the Food Standards Council to make it mandatory to label the genetically tampered food so that consumers can identify them at the time of purchase. The New Zealand Royal Commission approved it after a 14-month inquiry in July 2001.  The government was advised on how to deal with genetic modification, and certain changes were made to the then regulatory and policies concerning the subject. However, the idea of making New Zealand ‘Genetic engineering free’ was wholly rejected because it was impractical and that doing it would be dangerous for the country’s future potential in certain areas. Some people, such as genetic engineering enthusiasts, were happy with the decision while others opposed it.

Although almost every country has now made it mandatory to put labels on genetically modified products the question that arises in mind is how many people trust these labels? How many of them even bother to read the labels before making a purchase? And how authentic are these labels? Certain studies have been conducted to research the topic. Effective communication needs to be created to provide the consumers with knowledge about genetically tampered food, the risks associated with them, and the technology being used in the process (Scully 2003).

Need for Effective Communication

The need for effective communication regarding biotechnology and its importance has grown immensely as certain controversies and debates surrounding the topic of their use. Consumers need to understand the capability these devices hold that can evolve the future of food along with the risks that are associated with them. The negative perceptions about the process of genetic engineering and the products produced from it can be altered only through proper education and effective communication. People believe that genetically modified food has more societal risks than for individuals, i.e. these potential hazards regarding health and the environment have the capability to be widespread and increase with time (Lockie 2006).

Genetic Engineering researchers and scientists find it very frustrating that consumers start believing at almost every ‘wrong risk’; about which there exists no proof that it is even slightly true. Psychologists say that people are more likely to believe a risk when they are unfamiliar with the product, or it is new to them or when it is associated with products that have moral significance. That is the reason there exist so many negative perceptions about the genetic technology being used in genetic modification, especially with food as consumers fear they might be given something artificial or unhealthy. It increases the need for providing appropriate knowledge regarding the topic. Also, it has been found that women are more hesitant towards hazardous food as compared to men. They are more concerned regarding the health and ethical aspects of the food and are more likely to stop consuming a product even when they hear a rumor about certain risks associated with it. Also, people with children prefer naturally grown food and avoid taking risky products (Scully 2003).

Level of Consumers’ Acceptance

A study has been conducted to analyze the level of knowledge and understanding consumers have regarding genetic technology and genetically engineered products. Only 22% of the people thought that genetically modified products have far more benefits than there are risks associated with them. It proves how little people understand this new and promising technology and how much awareness needs to be spread. The level of acceptance seems to be very low and is directly proportional to the degree of knowledge that people possess. Most of the people are only familiar with the general definition of genetic engineering and do not know anything further, while some are not even familiar with the term itself (Scully 2003).

Level of Perceived Risk

Many people believe that genetically modified food is not healthy and will cause them to have a disease. People think they will be more likely to have food poisoning after consuming such products.  Spray residues are observed to be the second highest risk that consumers believe is associated with genetically engineered food. Food coloring, preservatives, irradiation, traces of animals’ hormones and antibiotics are the main concerns of the consumers of genetically modified products (Scully 2003).


Although genetic engineering has proven to be one promising technique and it might be able to evolve the food business in the future. But a lot of efforts regarding its awareness has to be made to achieve sustainability in the market. No matter how expensive or amazing the product might be, people tend to follow the traditional methods of farming and prefer food prepared from organic methods. Naturally grown food and organic agriculture have been the only way that has been able to sustain its position. Consumers do not trust these genetically modified products. They fear that these products might affect the health of themselves and their children. There exists a lot of misconceptions regarding the biotechnology that is used for the genetic modification of the food that results in negative perceptions of the consumers. However, looking at the facts and studies that have been conducted, genetic engineering consists of more benefits than the risks that are associated with it. To fully reap the benefits of this innovative and promising technique, means of effective communication need to be created to spread awareness.

References Cited

Lockie, Stewar

2006 Capturing the sustainability agenda: Organic foods and media discourses on food. Agriculture and Human Values 23(3): 313-323

Scully, Joanne

(2003 Genetic engineering and perceived levels of risk. British Food Journal105(2): 59-77

Wheeler, Sarah A

2009 Exploring the influences on Australian agricultural professionals’ genetic engineering beliefs: an empirical analysis. The Journal of Technology Transfer 34 (4): 422-439

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