Forms of Conservatism and Noblesse Oblige

Discuss the various forms of conservatism and how the American hybrid developed from Europe. Examine the concept of noblesse oblige and discuss why it did not take root in the U.S.

The term Conservatism refers to a social and political philosophy that aims at preserving a large range of institutions to emphasize social stability. There are certain forms of conservatism. Liberal conservatism limits the government interference in the economy. Social conservatives strictly follow an ideology based on religious traditions and family values. Cultural conservatives aim to protect their culture from any changes. Fiscal conservatives refer to the constitutionalists who aim to pay the national debts and reduce the government spending. National conservatism focuses on national interests. Religious conservatives aim to apply their religious values in the politics. Authoritarian conservatism includes strong devotion towards culture, tradition, and religion.

American conservatism, which is also considered a hybrid of the classical liberalism and European conservatism has dignified three doctrines of the Burkean conservatism, which includes the preference of liberty over the equality, the diffidence for state power and the patriotism while also rejecting the remaining doctrines of loyalty to the conventional institutions and including skeptics towards the elitism and progress.

The term ‘noblesse oblige’ means “nobility obligates.” Anyone who is born in a Nobel family has to abide by some legitimate rules. In modern English, this term represents a broader concept. Anyone who is born with a special gift or possesses some skill must practice it in such a way that his country makes the most out of it. This concept has now been extended to involve companies and corporations and the entire nation as well. Anyone who possesses power, wealth or prestige is obliged to perform some social duties.

For the Americans, the concept of noblesse obliges did not take root in its true meaning because, for them, prestige, power and high birth have nothing to do with status. For the American, the concept of noblesse oblige shows the responsibility of all individuals towards the highest principles of the land.

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