Emerging Technologies/Disruptive Technologies: Discussion and Response

Discussion Question

Define and describe at least 10 emerging and/or disruptive technologies and explain which falls under emerging and disruptive.

Emerging Technologies

Emerging technologies are at the beginning of the technology lifecycle. Emergent technologies are technological advances that are currently in development and/or nearing deployment that have the potential to displace current technology or shift business processes, organizations, culture, and other areas. Not all emergent technologies get to the point of disrupting current technology (Alan, 2011). Listed below are five breakthrough emerging technologies that are likely to shape our lives in the near future:

1-Personalized Medicine  Advanced diagnostic tools are set to tailor your medicines to you, detecting and quantifying multiple signs of a disorder to decide how likely you are to contract a disease (Cann, 2018).

2-Augmented Reality– Overlaying information and animation on to real-world images is set to go mainstream. In the future, augmented reality will help surgeons visualize tissues beneath a patient’s skin in three dimensions and conjure up holographic-like guides to take you through a museum (Cann).

3-Implantable Drug-Making Cells  For people who have to take medicine regularly, the idea of having a tiny drug factory implanted in the body is probably very appealing. Until now, implant use was limited because users also needed to take immune-suppressing drugs to prevent their bodies attacking the implant. Now the technology is sophisticated enough to work without being rejected by the immune system and could transform the treatment of long-term conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, tuberculosis, diabetes, cancer and chronic pain (Cann).

4-Algorithms for Quantum Computers Computers that use quantum mechanics to perform calculations can solve some problems far more efficiently than a conventional computer. While early use was held back by disruptions to their function, the latest research has improved that, and a growing number of academics are developing programs and quantum software. Once refined, powerful quantum computers could simulate nature and help design materials (Cann).

5-Electroceuticals Could we cut down our reliance on drugs to treat most health conditions? Some say yes, with electroceuticals offering the ability to treat ailments using electrical impulses. One approach, targeting the vagus nerve – the system that sends signals from the brain to most organs – is poised to transform care for many conditions, since it has the potential to regulate the immune system (Cann).

Disruptive Technologies

Disruptive technologies are causing changes. Disruptive technologies are innovations that replace existing technology or cause significant shifts in business processes, organizations, or culture, in ways that are unexpected by the broader market. Not all technologies are disruptive. There is always an overlap between emergent and disruptive technologies. The amount of the overlap, or the transition period where the technology is both emergent and disruptive, is dependent primarily on time. This could be the time to adoption, acceptances, distribution, or any number of other factors (Alan, 2011). Listed below are five disruptive technologies that are likely to shape our lives in the near future:

1-Personal Data Value Platforms– Personal data has become an economic asset. However, a lack of consumer knowledge about exactly what it is used for and how much it is really worth could lead to a reluctance to share data. Personal data value platforms will help to inform individuals about the value of their data, driving a wave of new products and services aimed at helping consumers to take ownership of their personal information. The introduction of legislation like GDPR will also contribute to this goal as organizations will have to comply with strict data protection rules (Prevett, 2018).

2-Artificial Intelligence– A major shift in business thinking has placed Artificial Intelligence at the very heart of business strategy. Companies are demonstrating a willingness to use AI and related tools like machine learning to automate processes, reduce administrative tasks, and collect and organize data. Understanding vast amounts of information is vital in the age of mass data, and AI is proving to be a highly effective solution.  Whilst AI has been vilified in the media as the enemy of jobs, many businesses have undergone a transformation in mentalities, viewing AI as enhancing rather than threatening the human workforce (Prevett).

3-Voice Based Virtual Assistants The wide uptake of home based and virtual assistants like Alexa and Google Home have built confidence in conversational interfaces, familiarizing consumers with a seamless way of interacting with tech. Amazon and Google have taken prime position between brand and customer, capitalizing on conversational convenience. The further adoption of this technology will enhance personalized advertising and sales, creating a direct link between company and consumer (Prevett).

4-Blockchain In 1991, the Merkle tree was used to create a “secured chain of blocks” — a series of data records, each connected to the one before it. The newest record in this chain would contain the history of the entire chain. And thus, the blockchain was created. In 2008, Satoshi Nakamato conceptualized the distributed blockchain. It would contain a secure history of data exchanges, utilize a peer-to-peer network to time stamp and verify each exchange, and could be managed autonomously without central authority. This became the backbone of Bitcoin. And thus, the blockchain we know today was born, as well as the world of cryptocurrencies (Lafaille, 2018).

5-Prescriptive Analytics– The emergence of smart data discovery capabilities, machine learning, and the automation of the entire analytics workflow is enabling organizations to handle vast amounts of information. Smart data discovery capabilities in particular are driving huge advances in how we understand unstructured and dark data. Using this data organizations are able to predict market developments bringing greater depth to prognostics. Prescriptive analytics goes beyond knowing, providing recommended actions based on prior outcomes. A recommended course of action to achieve a specific outcome (Prevett).


Alan. (2011, Aug 2). Emergent v. Disruptive Technologies. Retrieved from        http://www.asymmetricinsights.org/2011/08


Cann, O. (2018, Sep 4). These are the top 10 emerging technologies of 2018. Retrieved from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/09/


Lafaille, C. (2018, Feb 18). What is Blockchain Technology? A Beginner’s Guide. Retrieved from https://www.investtinblockchain.com/what-is-blockchain-Technology

Prevett, R. (2018, Jan 11). 18 Disruptive Technology Trends for 2018. Retrieved from https://disruptionhub.com/2018-disruptive-trends/Bottom of Form


I appreciate your efforts towards descriptions of emerging and disruptive technologies. However, as analyzed through your paper that emergent technologies are based on technological advances and can benefit society in many ways. Moreover, you also give light on five breakthroughs, emerging technologies that could be there in close or near future; those five emergent technologies include personalized medicine, augmented reality, and implantable drug-making cells, algorithms for quantum processors or computers and electroceuticals.

Consequently, you also described the disruptive technologies that are causing changes through innovations and provided significant shifts in the business. Those disruptive technologies you selected for the analysis were personal data value platforms, artificial intelligence, voice-based virtual assistants, blockchain, prescriptive analytics. However, no doubt that these emergent technologies can be helpful in the near future, but before discussing the several important issues that could be there while implementing these technologies; there can be discussion on the other emerging and disruptive technologies, skills that are more focused in the modern world, these emerging and disruptive technologies includes robots, IoT, high-speed travel, 3D printing, virtual reality, etc. (Meyer, 2010).

It could be noticed that these emerging and disruptive technologies are helping people in many ways. Consequently, I need to discuss some issues that could be the result of these emerging and disruptive technologies; as analyzed by the study of Yu & Hang (2012); there could be issues in academic and managerial perspective, because people will not work effectively and relies on technologies. Therefore, issues need to be addressed to enhance understanding about the problem that will remain unresolved following the theoretical and managerial merit. There are several effects of technological change which can be related to the theory of technological disruption; for the success of incumbents in this way; the emerging and disruptive technologies need to be more customer‐oriented (Yu & Hang, 2012).


Meyer, K. A. (2010). The role of disruptive technology in the future of higher education. Educause Quarterly, 33(1), 1-3.

Yu, D., & Hang, C. C. (2012). A reflective review of disruptive innovation theory. International journal of management reviews, 12(4), 435-452.

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