Cloud Computing

There has been a developing trend in computing called “Cloud Computing.” As the text defines it, cloud computing is a service whereby organizations obtain their computer power and software applications via the internet. In other words, rather than investing in building an information systems infrastructure, some organizations have chosen to “rent” it from an outside company. In this case, the equipment sits in the “cloud” at the service provider’s data center. is an example of an outside company that offers cloud computing service. In fact, they are one of the major players in the space (yes, they’ve come a long way from just selling books). You may have also heard of a company called which is another big player in this arena.

Here’s an excellent article on the subject. Measured in technology time, it’s a bit dated but still worth the read-

1-Do you think cloud computing can still be considered an “emerging” technology or has it gone mainstream? Why?

Cloud Computing is an on-demand provision of 1) database storage, 2) Applications, 3) computer power, etc., is considered an emerging technology, as IT experts believe that it has not matured. They assert that cloud computing will evolve, as its use will increase and when it matures fully, it will be a more potent phenomenon, affecting various realities, such as business and entertainment.

However, it is true that cloud computing has been mainstreamed by large tech companies, such as Google, Amazon, and Netflix. The reason for its quick mainstreaming is its utility and reduction of cost, for companies, which intend to perform various functions (Hardy).

2-What are some of the risks and benefits of “cloud” computing?

One of the major benefits is related to the data, data infrastructure and data usage. For instance, companies no longer have to invest immensely in data centers and servers. Instead, they pay when they exploit computing services. Another advantage is regarding the economies of scale. The variable cost is very low, which is why it is preferred. The real threat, associated with cloud computing, is of security or theft (Coles).

3-What types of organizations do you think can benefit most from this offering?

This concept or phenomenon benefits all, from an individual to a business company. However, the real beneficiaries are business companies, Big Data companies, and social media and tech companies. The amount of data, which is stored in the cloud, is used for analysis, by business companies (also by governments) to analyze demand or preferences of different segments of the consumer base (Hardy).

4-Why would a company like or venture into this business?

It provides these companies large chunks of data. Also, it is a low-margin business, which has the potential to grow quickly, as it has not matured or evolved yet. Therefore, investment offers great dividends. Also, the economies of scale are also very low, which excites companies to invest in cloud computing (Amazon).

5-What do you think the future holds for cloud computing?

The prospects, of cloud computing, are very bright. It is evolving at a great pace, and it is addressing the risks, which are associated with it. For instance, cloud computing is becoming more secure and less vulnerable. Also, with maturity, its utility has augmented, which has further increased its prospects.

Work Cited

Amazon. “What is Cloud Computing?” Amazon. Amazon, 1 December 2018. Web. 21 February 2018.

Coles, Cameron. “9 Cloud Computing Security Risks Every Company Faces.” Sky High Networks. Sky High Networks, 1 December 2017. Web. 21 February 2018.

Hardy, Quentin. “The Era of Cloud Computing.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 11 June 2014. Web. 21 February 2018.

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