Benefits of Swimming

Mostly, when people talk about sports, they think of football, baseball, cricket, and other team sports. These sports have their benefits. Apart from the pros like physical grooming and stamina building, they also teach a youngster how to be a part of the team. But...

Technology and Environment

Introduction Noticeable advancements are being made to the technology in this modern world. There exist certain pros and cons regarding the involvement of such technology in our normal life. The way this technology is being implemented, it does far more damage to...

Leadership: Costco Wholesale Corporation

Would you want to work for this organization? Why or why not? Costco Wholesale Corporation is a trading company. It is an American multinational corporation. According to the financial performance of the Costco Wholesale Corporation in 2015, it was the second largest...

Legalization of Marijuana-Essay Outline

INTRODUCTION & CONTEXT Legalizing marijuana is a need to enable the effective and relevant use of drugs in different states.  People went to pot due to impaired legalization or some privileges. The most important thing is to eliminate the discriminatory element in...

Discussion: Metrolink Posts and Replies

POST 1 What was the cause of the Metrolink accident, and could it have been avoided? The cause of the Metrolink accident was due to negligence of the conductor, Sanchez.  This was due to him being distracted due to texting, as well as his various health issues.  The...