AIDS and its Impact on Development in Africa


In the current research, there is an analysis of the macroeconomic effects that are related to HIV/AIDS especially in Africa. However, it is analyzed that the majority population of the country is facing the issues related to AIDS and the policies are made so that controversial steps may be taken. To support the nation, there are the expensive antiretroviral drugs so that benefits could be attained. It is analyzed that the economic productivity of Africa has suffered a lot as based on the evidence it is analyzed that there are three million people who faced the issues of disease of the AIDS in 2001, which however could be concerned as the world’s fourth-biggest death disease, because many people died (Dixon, McDonald and Roberts).

It is concerned that it is becoming the major disease after respiratory infection, heart disease, stroke, etc. there Are 70% of the world’s population that or 40 million people who faced the AIDS are living in Africa. The prevalence rate of the HIV/AIDS is maximum in the black heterosexual Africans. The report that was focused by the Medical Research Council by 2010; it is analyzed that there are approximately 6 million people in the South African who will be dying due to issue or illness of the Aids (Ostheimer).


To analyze the importance or contribution of the people in the economy, there is the focus on the economic theory. The HIV/AIDS is present in Africa, and it also gave the effects on Africa’s economy because the whole population of the country suffered there could also be issues related to the economic development because people are inactive due to the issues they faced in health. While observing the pandemic’s effects on the African economy, it is concerned that Africa’s future developments affected due to the effective policy responses.

It is also concerned that effective steps and through the analysis and policies of the HIV/AIDS; it is reducing, however, economic growth has suffered and cannot be recovered because in South Africa there are 0.3-0,4%, which is less progress in economic development. The issues are there in the economy because the life expectancy of the South Africans has declined to 48 years from 68.2 in the years 2003 to 2010. These are the major impacts of the macroeconomic issues or the economy of the country due to the current HIV/AIDS.

HIV/AIDS resulted in the lost workforce, and there is also no response by management in this way when the people died from HIV/AIDS in young age or adults, it is difficult to fill their gaps. Through a focus on the economy, there is the attention on the monetary hypothesis as analyzed that economy suffered a lot due to the HIV/AIDS is available in Africa, and it likewise gave the impacts on Africa’s economy because the entire populace of the nation suffered. Therefore, the African movement faced the reduction in the people because they faced the issues in the economy (Ostheimer).


Through focused on the step that African movement took; it is known that there is focus on the effectiveness of government interventions so that there could be a reduction in the causes and so that there could better support for the people facing the issues. With the availability of effective policies, there could be a reduction in HIV/AIDS.

Africa in the past years from 2001 to 2013 has faced the major issues related to the fixed investments, direct and indirect costs, and current expenditure in the economic growth because of the declining productivity of the young workforce. It is analyzed that the people or highly skilled labor are not replaceable in the economy; as when they faced issues regarding the HIV/AIDS; there was a shortage in the skill in the short run, and with the people who are less experienced there was an economic impact in the South African Business (Johnston).

There were issues related to the firms as the firms have to face the loss of labor, and the worker could face the work stress or issues regarding the lower morale that’s why it is analyzed that due to major population suffering, there were issues related to the stress faced by the worker which reduced the growth of the economic factors in the country. According to the surveys support of HIV/AIDS in South Africa is analyzed that the prevalence rate of the disease is 11.4%. And in the working workers in the economy is 15.3% in the years 2010.

Moreover, with the earlier surveys, it is analyzed that poor and uneducated people have HIV/AIDS because of the lack of awareness and issues are faced by the movement because government faced the loss or maintain and manage the people through policies. Regarding the predominance rate of the HIV/AIDS is the greatest operating at a profit hetero Africans; it is estimated that roughly 6 million individuals in the South African will’s identities kicked the bucket because of an issue or ailment of the Aids.

Another research by the Bureau of Economic Research has focused that in the year 2006 about 16.7% of the total population in the country faced the HIV/AIDS-related illness and there are 25.5% people who are the labor force; the ration of the working or not working could be explained as the 14.2% vs. 12.1% which is most vulnerable because of the maximum or high infection rates. Africa needs to return to advance, and accordingly the economy of the nation is in deficiency, the individuals are confronting a considerable measure in the nation as a nation is going poorer.

There are monetary effects in the South African Business, and financial efficiency of Africa reduced as considerable measure as dependent on the proof; as when they confronted issues in regard to the HIV/AIDS; there was a deficiency in the fitness. There is the broke down that there are three million individuals who confronted the issues of the sickness of the AIDS (Dixon, McDonald and Roberts).


In this manner, the African development confronted the decrease in the general population since they confronted the issues in the economy. HIV/AIDS brought about lost labor, and there is likewise no reaction by the administration; moreover, when the general population passed on from HIV/AIDS in youthful age or grown-up, the issues are concerned with the economy.

There is the long period of illness of the HIV/AIDS, which have reduced the labor productivity the review reported that the annual costs of the sickness had reduced the country productivity because of the result of HIV/AIDS, example, it is estimated that there is the loss of the $17per employee because of the illness as employees suffered illness and are not capable of doing the work.

It is analyzed that the country reduces competitiveness and profits because of the issues of HIV/AIDS. There is the need to focus on the adequacy of the general population and the patients in Africa, the country Government has to face the losses in terms of the incomes because there was not much income, the employees faced much pain from the HIV/AIDS and there were more issues with the movement (Lule and Haacker).

However, it is noticed that there was a decline in the tax revenues fall and the governments are pressured by the other government, or the people faced issues or were in the illness that there should be an increase in their spending. It is analyzed that with the rising prevalence of AIDS, there could be potential for financial crises that the country or government has to face. Regarding exports and imports, it is analyzed that employees or workers of the county were not working and therefore, country export decreases and import increases. It is concerned through the analysis that there is the lower domestic productivity because the country faced the issues of illness, it is analyzed that HIV/AIDS reduces exports, and they are imports that are more expensive.

In Africa the price of healthcare goods may increase because of the increasing risks of HIV/AIDS, which can also result in the economy are affected. There are defaults under pressure on the economy and also issues related to debt repayments. There are issues in the overall economy. It is known that Africa required economic assistance and different countries also helped Africa; Africa has to return loan and therefore economy of the country is in deficit and have to face issues related to the economic slowdown, international community can help the government of Africa to fight against the tallness as there could be financial and social supports (Institute of Medicine).

Through analyzing the performance of an economy, it is concerned that the economic performance was lower down than, as well as the average income which is per capita, has decreased. However, through the study, it is analyzed that there are issues and default in the African economy. However, the regression analysis was performed in the study, which estimated the impacts on the economy of Africa. It’s concerned through the analysis regarding the prevalence of HIV that the growth rate regarding the GDP per capita has decreased.

It is analyzed that people are facing a lot in the country as a country is going poorer due to the fewer levels of nutrition and illness HIV/AIDS. With the estimation of the net effect on the growth in the GDP per capita, it is analyzed that there are negative impacts of the economy. Moreover, through the analysis, it is concerned that the economy of Africa is facing the greatest effects of the pandemic, which has reduced the average national growth rates in Africa. It is concerned through the studies that there is a decrease of 2-4% in economic relationships each year across Africa (Kalemli-Ozcan).


It can be noticed through the analysis of the studies that the HIV/AIDS have epidemic impacts on the Africa economy and there is the reduced availability in the skilled labor. The patients in the country face disease and are not competent to take every necessary step. It examines that nation lessens intensity and benefits due to the issues of HIV/AIDS. During the examination that there is the lower household efficiency because the nation confronted the issues of sickness, it is broken down that HIV/AIDS lessens fares, and they are imports that are more costly.

There is expensive treatment as well as poor health in Africa. It is concerned that in the year 2010 South Africa’s GDP per capita has decreased as it is 8% lower and expected to be lower with 12%. The studies focused on the economic models show that there is the AIDS pandemic and issues are faced by the people in sub-Saharan Africa; the long-term economic consequences are there. Moreover, the countries faced international issues because the countries helped. However, it is concerned that Africa needs economic assistance to overcome the economic effects; the policies need to be tailored. However, it is concerned that for the effectiveness of the people and the patients in Africa, they need to focus on the introduction of treatment so that there could be better prevention programs.

The country is becoming expensive, so that is needed internationally, and there is the need to follow the economic measures. There should be the training of skills for the people so that people can better perform in the economy. It is analyzed that for the better clinical effectiveness the medicines need to be focused.

Through the analysis of the recent study, it is known that there is the more prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the developing countries and there are more macroeconomic effects; however, Africa is one of them that is targeted ethically, and there are also the issues related to the politically sensitive dilemmas. It is analyzed that for the effectiveness, the country’s economy needs to target expensive antiretroviral drugs as well as the highly productive socioeconomic so that there could be benefits to the groups that are facing the illness (Broder).


It can be concluded that the economy of Africa is confronting the more prominent consequences of the pandemic, which has diminished the normal national development rates in Africa. It is analyzed in the research that there is a reduction in the growth rates because the skilled labor has to face issues, and other than the other expensive workers have to perform the tasks that impacted negatively on the economy of Africa.

There should be proper strategies in the countries because the strategies could generate economic prosperities with the government funds. It is analyzed that there is the need to maintain the economic environment for better results and to increase the sustainable medical programs in the country.

Work Cited

Broder, Samuel. “The development of antiretroviral therapy and its impact on the HIV-1/AIDS pandemic.” Antiviral Research 85.1 (2010): 1-18.

Dixon, Simon, Scott McDonald and Jennifer Roberts. “The impact of HIV and AIDS on Africa’s economic development.” BMJ: British Medical Journal 324.7331 (2002): 232–234.

Institute of Medicine. Preparing for the Future of HIV/AIDS in Africa: A Shared Responsibility. National Academies Press, 2011.

Johnston, Deborah. Economics and HIV: The Sickness of Economics. Routledge, 2013.

Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem. “AIDS,“reversal” of the demographic transition and economic development: evidence from Africa.” Journal of Population Economics 25.3 (2012): 871-897.

Lule, Elizabeth and Markus Haacker. The Fiscal Dimension of HIV/AIDS in Botswana, South Africa, Swaziland, and Uganda: Experiences from Botswana, South Africa, Swaziland, and Uganda. World Bank Publications, 2011.

Ostheimer, Andrea E. “The Impact Of Hiv/Aids On The South African Economy.” Konard-Adenauer-Stiftung. Konard-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2018. Web. 13 October 2018.

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