Compare and Contrast Performance Evaluation methods

Imagine that you are a director of performance management. With this role in mind, briefly compare and contrast the traditional annual evaluation method of performance appraisals with the new real-time feedback coaching format.

*How do you think Frederick W. Taylor would respond to the real-time feedback coaching system? Explain.


Every organization intends to improve the employee performance through different performance evaluation methods or techniques. With the passage of the time, trends in the workplace have been changed, and it has also created an impact on performance evaluation strategies or traits in both, the small and large organization. This study revolves around traditional annual evaluation methods of performance appraisal and new real-time feedback coaching format.  It seems imperative to compare and contrast these two systems along with different insights and impact on the employees. Frederick w. Taylor’s review of the new system is also an integral part of this study.

Traditional Annual Evaluation Method of Performance Appraisals

From manufacturing to retail, traditional evaluation methods of performance appraisal are widely used. As the names suggest, the management evaluates the annual performance of employees, gives rewards, and makes decisions. Annually, the management use rating scale, checklists, performance tests, observations, and critical incident methods to derive performance insights and make appropriate decisions accordingly (Bell, 2011).  For Instance, in companies, the management rates the employees through navigating several aspects at, such as dependability, attitude, attendance, initiatives, and outputs.  These methods seem useful, and these can be applied to any job position in the company.  At the end of the year, the company has to evaluate employee based on weak to excellent criteria. Also, traditionally, the checklist contains two options, Yes or No, and the employee usually answers some questions regarding the tasks and performance. Moreover, in the critical incident method, the management navigates the employee’s behavior, which creates an impact on both, performance and productivity.    Moreover, the company takes tests of employees to obtain the skills and knowledge of employees, and this is also a top traditional performance evaluation method (Blake & Moseley, 2011).

New Real-Time Feedback Coaching Format

Coming to new performance evaluation or appraisal method, the companies are containing more efficient and productive workforce due to real-time feedback coaching format. In this new coaching or employee evaluation method, the management provides feedback to the employees on a regular basis. Frequent reviews about job performance at the workplace are a right approach to let employee identify their strengths and weaknesses. Accordingly, based on performance, the company provides small increments to employees. It depicts a continuous improvement of employees to sustain efficiency and productivity, and ultimately, it leads towards employee retention and satisfaction (Ludwig & Goomas, 2009).

Comparing & Contrasting Performance Evaluation Methods

Comparatively, real-time feedback, coaching depicts development and planning process for both, employees and workplace. For Instance, in this feedback system, the management collaborates with the employee and works continuously to evade work barrier and enhance the skills of employees. Conversely, the annual appraisal system only evaluates employees, as these systems do not plan and develop the employee. Traditional annual appraisal only determines the financial rewards at the end of the year.  It seems impersonal and top-down approach along with the autocratic behavior of the management, as employees do not have a right to ask something. Comparatively, in real time feedback or review system, the collaborations with employees is in the limelight. Instead of focusing on months or years to evaluate, it seems better to work with employees to let them identify methods to contain a continuous improvement and growth (Samarakone, 2010).

Annual evaluation method, sometimes, depicts unfair reward or evaluation.  There is a perception in the companies that the employees are usually paired unfair this is due to an immense range of employees and annual appraisal demonstrates the evaluation as the whole. Moderately, real-time feedback is all about providing immediate feedback to employees after observing behavior and task result. When comparing and contrasting, this has been revealed that the annual performed appraisal system is triggered by the purpose of just rewarding to retain the best talent or performers. On the other hand, at when it comes to real-time feedback, it seems the overall development of employees. Real-time review picks the employees from the bottom and lets them reach the top (Vranjes, 2016).

As compared to the traditional annual system, real-time feedback and coaching integrate with the technology. For Instance, the employee at the workplace use different technology tools to enhance the visibility of communications and have immediate reviews from the performance management, and this can be seen in each department in the company. It is a rapid process to judge employees in a different department.   According to observations and research studies, the cost of evaluating employee performances in different organizations has been reduced due to real-time feedback (Blake & Moseley, 2011).

In traditional annual appraisal, based on the results, training process seems rare as compared to real-time employee review. The management just picks employees, reward and finishes the process. Reasonably, coaching looks an ongoing process with the perspective of both, the management and employees. Errors or barriers are identified with each review, and the management trains accordingly. In the end, when conducting the comparison, real-time feedback does method has not hidden anything from employees. Contrariwise, performance management emerges with some hidden things, which is a big barrier to the employee development process.

Frederick W. Taylor’s Response to the Real-Time Feedback Coaching System

Frederick W. Taylor’s response to real-time feedback coaching system would link with some scientific management principles is task allocation, training, coaching, collaborations, and replacing the rule of thumb. Frederick W. Taylor would be assertive and aggressive in adopting the real-time feedback coaching system. For Instance, he would like to evaluate the employees frequently because of his approach towards the work and employee improvement. It is the best method in the scientific management to have continuous growth of employee and work process. He would think about minor changes with the passage of the time instead of waiting for six months or years (Bell, 2011).

Frederick W. Taylor would believe in the immediate coaching process, based on reviewing reports. According to scientific management principle, cooperation between management and employees is necessary to meet the employee an organizational goal quite efficiently.  He would respond this system positively, as frequent evaluation, collaboration, improvement rewards, and decisions are highly appreciable. Logically, it also seems pertinent because there are many employees in the company, which may leave the job. In result, annual appraisal or evaluation system is not implementable (Blake & Moseley, 2011).

Other rationale of Frederick W. Taylor’s positive response is the change in factor work recurrently. Scientific management is integrated with the change along with the employee sustainability, and the real-time feedback coaching system initiates the change in work process with the change in the employee performance. Frederick W. Taylor would be happy implementing, as he would look the appraisal with the organization’s perspective, not just employees, to gain and sustain the success for both, short and long run (Samarakone, 2010).


In the end, this is to conclude that performance evaluation methods and implementation process are based on the intention of the management.  Somewhat, the study shows positive impacts on employee and workplace due to real-time feedback coaching system. In this study, a comprehensive analysis of traditional and real-time methods has been expressed along with some logical aspects. Furthermore, possible Frederick W. Taylor’s views or intentions have also been elaborated regarding real-time feedback system. In this modern business era, the management should result oriented to reward employees, and real-time feedback is pertinent to it.


Bell, R. L. (2011 ). Teaching present-day employees the value of scientific management. 72(6), 5.

Blake, A. M., & Moseley, J. L. (2011). Frederick Winslow Taylor: One Hundred Years of Managerial Insight. International Journal of Management, 28(4).

Ludwig, T. D., & Goomas, D. T. (2009). Real-time performance monitoring, goal-setting, and feedback for forklift drivers in a distribution center. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology; Leicester, 82(2), 391.

Samarakone, P. (2010). Improving performance appraisals using a real-time talent management system: The advantages of a real-time talent management system. Human Resource Management International Digest; Bradford, 18(4), 35-37.

Vranjes, T. (2016, February 19). Reduce the Legal Risks of Performance Reviews. Retrieved from

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