The role of the government in a democratic country is in fame, as regulates the institutions to implement or execute the laws. There are different branches of the government in the country along with the different roles. Each branch of the government has to play a particular role separately, guided by the federal company. Three branches of government are legislative, judicial, and executive. In a democratic country, these branches of the government are quite visible. In this study, the main intention is to navigate the role of the government branches to understand the impact on the citizen and country as the whole. First, the executive branch comes into life, which works under the control of the executive of the country. Itis is the highest level of the government branch. The president of the country holds this branch of the government and directs all law and enforcement agencies to implement the laws. To make or form the executive branch of government, the enforcement of electoral college systems is the key factor. This branch of the government is based on the votes being generated through this electoral system (Mangan, 2017).
For being the top-level branch of the government, the communication process is imperative to enhance to collaborate with other departments. The law and enforcement agencies in the country directly report to the executive department of the government, and in response, the government makes the decisions accordingly. Itis is a fact that the executive of the government may direct the immediate changes, as he/she can express the power and delegations with the passage of time. The legislative branch of the government contains the significance of a democratic government. The legislation comes from the House of Representatives, which is a party of the legislative government branch. The Senate and the House of Representatives are two prominent segments. The house of representatives makes or passes different resolutions with the majority in the house and forwards to the Senate. The Senate, after the comprehensive analysis of the resolution, can pass or reject the bill or law in the best interest of the company (Sellers, 2017).
The role of the legislative branch of government seems imperative. When it comes to the different laws and regulations for society, communities, foreign affairs, and business. There are 100 senators and 453 representatives in the legislative branch. According to the constitution of the United States of America, the legislative branch of the government is to be made by the Senate and the House of Representatives. Also, the constitution of the country is strongly linked with this branch of the government. For Instance, this branch has a right to confirm or reject the appointments of the head of the states. Due to investigative powers, this branch seems different. Along with the 435 elected members in the 50 states, the legislative branch is contributing exceptionally well. The constitution of the country directs the election after every two years. The candidate must be 25 years of age and be a United States national. In the result of the Electoral College tie, the legislative department of government elects the president, which depicts its power. In America, there are 100 senators, and according to the constitution, the legislators have to elect the senators in the different states. The president of the government is ahead of the Senate, as he plays a role of president (Kao, 2017).
The process is quite simple, a booth, the Senate and representatives have to contain the majority to pass the law and send it to the top executive for signature. The proves of the legislative branch is containing several steps according to the constitution of United States of America. For Instance, in the United States, a bill is to be introduced to the Congress. After this, the committee holds this bill for review. The committee approves the bill and reports to the floor of the house. An open debate is another step in the process, and after this, and a bill can be presented to the Senate and president for approval. The third branch of government is the Judicial Branch of the government. The US constitution constitutes the election of the president of the judicial branch of the president. Article III of the constitution forms the judicial branch of the government. The example of the third branch of the government is the judicial system of the United States where Congress has been authorized takes the inferior courts in the form of the different district courts in the different regions. These judges are called the federal judges, and the US constitution empowers the House of Representatives to remove the federal judges through the impeachments or any possible conviction. The role of this government branch is in the limelight due to the delegated power by the constitution of the country (Milligan, 2017).
For Instance, if there is any conflict or unrest between the states, the judicial system will be in action. The Congress cannot intervene in this case, which also expresses the power of this government branch. Under the constitutions of the country, the judicial systems or federal judges cannot provide the advisory opinion to the parties. It is impartial, constituted and self-directed branch of the government with a slight intervention of House of Representatives and presidents. The government branch indicates the supreme court as a top court of the country. The Senate of the country appoints all the judges, signed by the presidents, and the chief justice contains the highest level in the judiciary system. The judicial system of the government interprets the laws of the country and decides according to the constitution or laws. The Supreme Court controls the district courts in the different regions, and several appeals can be forwarded to the Supreme Court. The article III of the constitution of the United States of America depicts the right of people in term of the judicial system. For Instance, the constitution states that every individual, even accused of social unrest or violence. The federal judicial system of the country holds the command of the courts, established in the different states to listen to the cases and make the decisions rendering to the constitution of the country. It is the third central branch of the federal government, and all key stakeholders such as representatives, citizens, and businesses in the country are bound to follow the decisions. In the end, this is to conclude that the three federal branches of the government seem worthy of a country. People interact directly or indirectly with these branches, as ultimately, according to the constitutions, they have a prominent share in these branches.
Kao, S.-P. (2017). Government ‘law-jobs’ and the use of government lawyers: a case of transplanting the foreign model of the legal profession to the Asia-Pacific region. Asia Pacific Law Review; Hong Kong, 25 (1), 77-93.
Mangan, D. (2017, April 25). Courting defiance: The branch of government that could thwart Trump’s plans. Retrieved from CNBC:
Milligan, S. (2017, February 8). Is Trump Getting Too Personal With the Judicial Branch? Retrieved from
Sellers, M. D. (2017). Gubernatorial use of executive orders: unilateral action and policy adoption. Journal of Public Policy; Cambridge, 37 (3), 315-339.