Industry Initiative to Address Water Concerns in India Today

Article Review

Industry Initiative to Address Water Concerns in India Today: The Inward and the Outward Looking Possibilities


Industry Initiative to Address Water Concerns in India Today: The Inward and the Outward Looking Possibilities


Palaksha, C., Nachiketas, N., & Rao, P. H. (2017). Industry Initiative to Address Water Concerns in India Today: The Inward and the Outward Looking Possibilities. International Journal of Business Ethics in Developing Economies, 6(1), 1-9.


In India, water becoming an alarming issue towards being developed economy. People are more than as compared to resources. Due to this challenging situation, India focuses on the conserving and manages the water for future needs. India develops water saving awareness in people that help in water management. India develops awareness in the private sector and public sector through the paper and conducting seminars or awareness ads to manage water.

IV-Constructs / Variables Investigated

The independent variable in this study deals with the awareness that impacts on the private sector to address water issue in India. The inward initiatives give the people, these initiatives followed by awareness to outward. The manager developed the awareness that works on this issue. The employees have a high income and also have experienced, moderate, their impact on the companies. Awareness of Inward Initiatives independent variable, sex, income, age, the level is demographic variables. Awareness to outward Initiatives is the Variable to investigate perception, which deals with Indian people and water managing issue.


To achieve the objective researcher made the research questions and used survey research questionnaire. Two questionnaires developed a questionnaire on water concern, awareness for internal initiatives and external initiatives. The quantitative study gave a boost to the study. Demographic variables placed on the top of the questionnaire. This research design was quantitative. The research paradigm is post-positivism. The population for this study took the organization manager that works on upper, lower and middle level. For data analysis, software was used. The research purpose that developed awareness in people that are concerned about water. For data analysis, correlation and regression test applied. All questions that asked by manager identify the how this issue resolved in India. Private sector involved that conduct awareness in people.


As the study was quantitative, a well-structured questionnaire was used to evaluate the awareness to inwards initiatives and awareness to outwards initiatives. The alpha value of inwards initiatives was 0.965, and outwards initiatives alpha value was 0.938. The t-test value was 1.631, and outwards initiatives were -1.352. The significance level of inwards initiatives was.101; it means the significance level was 5% and as the significance level of outward initiatives was.179, so the level was 10%. The correlation level was .564, and the significance level seemed to be the moderate correlation. The results of the study indicated that the inwards impacted the outwards as in 5% of a significant level. These results indicated a moderate correlation between dependent and independent variables.


The results indicated a moderate correlation between dependent and independent variables. The implication of the study was awareness of the inward study considered to be the topmost significant variables. The study will provide the base and help to attain the main structure of human rights. The facts and figures of the results of the study will help the government to generally take some serious and progressive steps about clean water supply for everyone. The private water supplier companies should be the focus on the implications and effectiveness of the water management thoroughly.

VIII-Suggestions for future research

The study was so helpful for the unfolding of water supply, but the limitation of the study, considered to be the quantitative design of the study. If this study continues with the quantitative research design as well as the quantitative research design, the results will be more authentic and applicable. The sample size of the study was the managers of private water companies if in the future the government sector’s employees will also be included, the results should be more effective and efficient.

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