MGT 312: Decision Making Problem Solving


Read the passage carefully and answer the questions:

For fifteen years I spent almost half of every business day holding conferences, discussing problems. Should we do this or that—or nothing at all? We would get tense; twist in our chairs; walk the floor; argue and go around in circles. When night came, I would be utterly exhausted. I fully expected to go on doing this sort of thing for the rest of my life. I had been doing it for fifteen years, and it never occurred to me that there was a better way of doing it. If anyone had told me that I could eliminate three-fourths of the all the time I spent in those worrying conferences, and three-fourths of my nervous strain – I would have thought he was a wild-eyed, slap-happy, armchair optimist. Yet I devised a plan that did just that. I have been using this plan for eight years. It has performed wonders for my efficiency, my health, and my happiness. It sounds like magic – but like all magic tricks, it is extremely simple when you see how it is done.

Here is the secret: First, I immediately stopped the procedure I had been using in my conferences for fifteen years – a procedure that began with my troubled associates reciting all of the details of what had gone wrong, and ending up by asking: ‘What shall we do?’ Second, I made a new rule – a rule that everyone who wishes to present a problem to me must first prepare and submit a memorandum answering these four questions:

1-What is the problem? [2 Marks]

2-What is the cause of the problem? [1 Marks]

3-What are all possible solutions of the problem? [2 Marks]


From: XYZ, Associate

To: ABC, Senior Manager

Date: 10/10/2018

Subject: Addressing the issues of two sales executives, who are leading the organization

Mr. ABC,

I wanted to tell you regarding the problem that employees are facing in the organization, thus they are leaving the organization. Executives say that they spent much time in conferences in the old days, and they wasted their time in discussing what troubles are, however, the problem was not focused, and the troubles were concerned about the conference. It is analyzed that they remained worried about the conferences and spent their time at the conference.

At the conference, there were discussions of the lacking, and the discussion about the troubles was done. It is analyzed by the employees that there is a need to discuss the problem rather than wasting time discussing the troubles. It is concerned that the main cause of the problem was related to the wasted hour at conferences, there were worried conferences, and still, at no conference the situation becomes clear; and there was no finding of the cause.

While employees analyzed that in their career they focus on worried about the conference and not given time to think about the real cause or problem. It is worrying that the fundamental driver of the issue was connected to the squandered hour in gatherings, while workers examined that in their vocation, they simply faced stressed over the meeting and not offered time to consider the genuine reason or issue. It is also known that in the conferences there was no solution to actual problems because in the conference everyone is allowed to give one solution, however, when the solution was given the tempers sometimes flare and then issues begin because, in the end, no one has the solutions. Situations were worse in the conferences because no solutions were there (Kallet & Kallet, 2014).

It is noticed that executives are leaving the company as they faced issues in recognizing the real problem and they wasted time in the conferences, it is known through the considerations of their situation that they failed to reach the real issue and real problem because of the pressure on them and thus, there was no improve decision-making. Administrators say that they invest much energy in meetings, and they squandered their chance in examining what are inconveniences. It is examined by the representatives that there is a need to talk about the issue instead of sitting around idly examining the inconveniences. The decision making or the quality of decisions was not that effective because there were certain personality issues as they wasted time in conferences.

The recognition of the real problem is a must for effective decision making; there is the need for creativity as well as brainstorming technique so that there could be firmness of decision. An effective implementation needs to be done after identifying the problem with the clarity of judgment (Snyder, 2018).

Description of the problem

It is analyzed after focusing on the comments of the executives that they faced problems in life as they wasted hours and hours just discussing the troubles and did not focus on the real problem. However, thus, I want to address the issues that are faced by the two executives in the company and in this way, they are leaving the company because they feel demotivated or less valued in the company. These two executives in the company are facing issues regarding generating business profitability.

These executives cannot make more clients for the company as they are not able to find out the real problem and they discuss troubles. The remarks of the officials that they confronted issues in the life as they squandered hours and hour just in examining the inconveniences and don’t center on the genuine issue, now executives are leaving the organization since they feel demotivated or less esteemed in the organization.

It is known through focused on the points that every business day was the meeting day; the problem was related to the discussion that what needs to do, every day thinking about such situations can be hectic for the executives and thus, they are leaving the company. They feel that they squandered 15 years of life to meetings as they could improve the situation or think preferred rather than simply talking about the inconveniences. There could be better solutions to the problem if real issues or problems were focused.

It is analyzed through the noticing the causes that employees or executives in the company faced real hectic routine as they are facing issues related to health, sleep deprivation and other concerns as they spend half of the day in attending the conference and by getting worried regarding the conferences.

The case talks about the issues that executives were lacking in making better decisions about the problem that company and that they could face. It was analyzed by the executives that they spend their in attending conferences where they do not discuss any real issues; they believe that if conferences were not there; their lives can be happy and healthy as they can do something better as they wasted time (Adair, 2010).

Cause of the problem

The real cause of the problem that could be considered while noticing the case of the executives, it could be noticed that executives remain unrest due to the issues they faced while addressing or attending the conferences. The feedback is gathered from those employees, and it is known that due to BSM there is high pressure on the employees, and their work is not given the values are not being recognized.

These two executives in the company are facing issues regarding creating new customers for investment in the company. They are not focused on the real cause, so they do not give better time to the customers, and they do not discuss how to make the customers. The executive in the organization is confronting issues concerning making new clients for the interest in the organization.

However, the real problem in the case of executives can be related to the conference as, in the conferences, they have to say about why they are not making clients and thus, issues were there because of this way, they feel demotivated as they cannot make clients for the company. Employees feel that there is high pressure on them for 15 years. Thus, they do not learn the new technique to retain and satisfy the customers. There is zero learning of the executives as they think that they wasted 15 years of life in attending conferences as they could do better or think better rather than just discussing the troubles.

The executive remains distressed because of the issues they confronted while tending to or going to the meetings thus, they faced burden, and their work isn’t given the qualities or not being perceived. The issues identified with wellbeing, lack of sleep and different worries as they spend half of the day gathering and by getting stressed in regard to the meetings. Old executives of the company faced issues in regard to creating new customers for the investment in the company. It is analyzed that for 15 years executives wasted time, they do not learn the new method with the end goal to hold and fulfill the clients and thus faced the issues.

Possible solutions to the problem

Regarding the possible solution of the problem, it is analyzed that there is no learning of the employees rather than just convincing them to attend the conference. However, there is the need to discuss the real problems so that there could be better decision making and learning about the problems. To make better decisions, there is need to find real issues first, and in the current organization, the issue is identified as related to the employees as they remained worried about the conferences and spent their time at the conference and there were discussions on the troubles rather than focus on the real problem. In this way, the following suggestions can be given to the company so that there could be better management of the employees and so that they feel valued in the company and learn new techniques.

The arrangement of the meetings: Arrangement of the meeting need to be focused carefully as there should be no everyday meeting or no conferences. The addressing should be organized with the convenience so that there could be important dialogues. However, the meeting needs to be arranged in a timely manner so that there can be valuable discussion and discussions need to be held on the real problems.

Facilitate the training programs: The training needs to be given to the employees as through training employees in the company can grow and can get the confidence to make or retain a client. As in this case, there is the problem of the executives that they are not trained and can’t make a new client. The training needs are there for the representatives as through preparing workers in the organization can develop and can get the certainty and there can be organization productivity. In this way, company profitability can suffer if employees do not give the training.

Meeting with the BSM; motivate employees: Moreover, through doing the meeting with the BSM employees can be motivated and they could be able to perform in the company effectively, the meeting with the BSM workers can inspire employees, and they could be ready for praised performance in the organization.

Award ceremony: All HR functions need to be effectively operated by the company. Rather than just conferences, there is the need to recognize the employees who are making the maximum client and effectively performing. The award ceremonies for the best employee need to be arranged. An award ceremony will motivate the employees, and then they will make more clients as making the most extreme customer and adequately performing there could be more support for the employees. When employees know that their work is recognized, then they effectively perform, and there can be better performed. These services when recognize there could be effective in the company operated by the best representative (Brest & Krieger, 2010).





Adair, J., 2010. Decision Making and Problem-Solving Strategies. Kogan Page Publishers.

Brest, P. & Krieger, L.H., 2010. Problem Solving, Decision Making, and Professional Judgment: A Guide for Lawyers and Policymakers. Oxford University Press.

Kallet, M. & Kallet, M., 2014. Think Smarter: Critical Thinking to Improve Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills. John Wiley & Sons.

Snyder, V., 2018. How Employees Add Human Value To Your Brand. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 January 2018].

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