2 Mary Jones Response-Politics

Your paper should be 1 page and submitted as a Microsoft Word document with headings, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All sources used should be cited in APA format

Answer these questions using paper both papers

 1. In your responses compare the key assumptions you identified with the key assumptions your peers identified.

2. What similarities and differences did you notice?

Paper 1

The most recent National Security Strategy is detailed within a document that the current president signed. It is the National Security Strategy of the United States of America. Within this strategy there is four pillars, (1) Protect the American People, Homeland, and the American way of life, (2) Promote American Prosperity, (3) Preserve peace through strength, and (4) Advance American Influence, these four pillars are guided with the idea for realism (whitehouse.gov, 2017). The first pillar explains that the borders will be strengthen and that the immigration system will be reformed, protect the critical infrastructure, and take down anyone that dares to cyber hack, including the pursuit of threats (Jihadist) will be stopped (whitehouse.gov, 2017). The next pillar explains that the government will rejuvenate the economy to benefit American workers and companies (whitehouse.gov, 2017). The third pillar explains that the military will be rebuilt in which it will remain preeminent, and defeat our enemies (whitehouse.gov, 2017). Furthermore, the strategy explains that it will protect and preserve peace by making sure that the world is not dominated just by one power, and that our allies will share the responsibilities and burdens to protect against threats (whitehouse.gov, 2017). Lastly the fourth pillar explains that America will compete against other countries and promote private-sector economy growth that will one day help and aspire partners (whitehouse.gov, 2017).

The main part of the strategy that relates to terrorism is the first pillar, “Protect the American people, the homeland, and the American way of life”. There are several threats that have been identified within the document. One of them is the use of being attacked by Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) (whitehouse.gov, 2017). Furthermore, being attacked by cybercrime. The strategy explains that individuals will steal and exploit our intellectual property, personal data, aviation, and our critical infrastructures (whitehouse.gov, 2017). The National Security Strategy mentions several groups that are a threat. North Korea that seeks to kill millions of Americans with nuclear weapons, Iran by supporting terrorist groups and openly states the downfall of America, Jihadist terrorist organizations (ISIS and al-Qaeda) determined to attack America and radicalize individuals with their ideology, non-state actors that use drug and human trafficking networks to create violent crimes (whitehouse.gov, 2017). One of the key assumptions deals with the competitiveness that America faces with other countries concerning the military. Meaning that countries such as North Korea will create a stronger military force than America, and they will try to take control of the U.S or try to kill many Americans (whitehouse.gov, 2017).


The President of the United States of America. (2017). National Security Strategy of the United States of America. https://www.whitehouse.gov

Paper 2

A national security strategy or policy describes a key framework for a given country to meet its basic needs as well as security concerns for the citizens of the particular country. The strategies address both internal and external threats to the country. According to Cancian et al (2017), the strategies are shaped in accordance with the processes that produce them. Therefore, if designed well, a strategy formulation can enable the decision makers to evaluate both the political and security risks for purposes of determining the best ways forward. If effectively formulated, national security strategies can address various crucial issues including terrorism which may adversely impact a country. One of the recent national security strategies by Donald Trump is redefining the US national security in terms of domestic and international pillars (Cordesman, 2017). This strategy revolves around four pillars in which the first two add to domestic goals to the more traditional as well as military ones while the two remaining pick up the new domestic priorities.

One of the parts of this strategy that address the issue of terrorism is the responsibility of the US government to protect the citizens of the US and their way of life so that the jihadist terrorists are stopped before reaching the borders. This is aimed at ensuring that terrorist groups do not come near the US borders to threaten the citizens. One of the most important terrorist threats that have been discussed in this strategy is the jihadist terrorists which have posted threats to the counties in the last decade thus the strategy is aimed at keeping this group at bay. Block terrorist, as well as other biological attacks, has also been captured in this strategy which has posed serious threats to the citizens in the previous years. One of the key assumptions that can be made concerning these terrorist groups is the disruption of the country’s peace and taking over the leadership of the country’s military.


Cancian, M. F., Dalton, M., Schaus, J., & McElhinny, C. (2017, October 6). Formulating National Security Strategy. https://www.csis.org/analysis/formulating-national-security-strategy

Cordesman, A. H. (2017, December 18). President Trump’s New National Security Strategy. https://www.csis.org/analysis/president-trumps-new-national-security-strategy

Mary Jones Response

In your responses compare the key assumptions you identified with the key assumptions your peers’ identified

Comparing assumptions, which have been derived from two different papers, seems interesting. It helps to make the perception of students regarding students. The first paper represents national security as a critical assumption, as all other strategies revolve around this assumption. The paper depicts the American way of life, which is triggered by the national society. On the other hand, the second paper gets more in-depth regarding national security. For Instant, to justify or enable the peach and American way of life, the country must rebuild its military power to eliminate possible threats. I think the national security strategy is triggered by four different pillars in the first paper. However, in the second paper, military developments and internal and external threats are the main considerations to enhance the national security. The second paper streamlines possible threats from terrorists. It is different from the first assumption because it is based on terrorist groups in the world. If terrorists reunite again, it will be a considerable threat to national security (Whitehouse.gov, 2017).

What similarities and differences did you notice?

According to my option, both papers streamline the national security strategy of the United States, and it is the main similarity. National security is the primary concern of the country. Both papers have come up with internal and external threats. Conversely, the difference can be observed through navigating the level of threats. The first paper mentions that the defeat of enemies is better to enable peace and justify the national security strategy (Jenkins, 2018).  Besides, the other content suggests the efforts to reduce both internal and external threats. It is observed that the direction to achieve national security is the same. However, formulation and execution may be different, which is also depicted in both papers.

There are some similarities and differences. Comparing assumptions is better to perceive how students understand the national security strategy.


Jenkins, S. (2018, November 5). Trump’s sanctions against Iran help the US’s enemies and weaken its friends. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/nov/05/economic-sanctions-iran-trump-enemies-middle-east-us

Whitehouse.gov. (2017, December 18). A New National Security Strategy for a New Era. https://www.whitehouse.gov/articles/new-national-security-strategy-new-era/

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